Suggestions and wishes
Привет, почему ты забанил мой аккаунт без причины? Работаю по закону, не обманываю, может такое быть? вы ведете себя неправильно.. примите меры
Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake. I won't make the same mistake a second time. Please correct my id.
They will take our money, thats why they blocked our accounts
Maaf saya masih pelatihan mohon bimbingannya admin tolong buka blokirnya
forgive those who commit offenses
من فضلك سيدي هده اول مرة ارتكب خطأ سوف أقوم بتحسين عملي و وستكون آخر مرة
Буде ласкаві розблокуйте мій заробіток як кажуть в нас в Україні всім не угодить так не блокувати же людей тим паче там зароблені гроші
من فضلك سيدي هده اول مرة ارتكب خطأ سوف أقوم بتحسين عملي و وستكون آخر مرة
ارجو رفع الحظر عن حسابي
نحن نجرب العمل معكم وأنتم تقومون بحضرنا من المفروض تساعدونا كي نشتهد في العمل
Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time
Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time
Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time
Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake. I won't make the same mistake a second time. Please correct my id.
Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake. I won't make the same mistake a second time. Please correct my id.
Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake. I won't make the same mistake a second time. Please correct my id.
Sorry, I will not repeat these mistakes. Please restore my account. Thank you, sir
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